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I continuously build, learn and experiment with innovative technology. I'm happy to share what I learn with the community. Therefore, I regularly publish educational video's to YouTube. Because I believe that learning from others can positively accelerate your growth.
On my "Keep it simple, stupid." YouTube channel, I build real-world C# .NET applications and I'd like to dive deeper into machine learning with .NET. Until then, it's about building clean, well-architected apps to learn from. I pledge to keep things simple.
I'm a passionate full-stack developer with an extra degree in artificial intelligence. My first line of code was written over 11 years ago. I have been developing ever since. My strengths are to develop kick-ass webapps backed by top-notch API's that leverage cloud services. All that, in the shape of clean, robust projects. I'm passionate about creating and innovating.
My first passion is described above, my second passion would be dogs. I currently live in an apartment with my 3 dogs, Porto, Rico and Cuba. We have a tiny yard but we have multiple adventures a day in the woods which are a 20 minute drive away.
I have a dream that one day we can retreat to our own plot of Portuguese farm land where they can run and live their heart's content. Porto and Rico are rescued street dogs from the north of Portugal and have been with me for over 3 years.
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