Hi, I'm Auguste from the "Keep it simple, stupid." YouTube channel. This channel started as video documentation for my software hobby projects. To share how I build my projects.
Before I realized it, the channel hit over 340 subscribers organically. Nowadays, I'm taking the 'knowledge sharing' more seriously and do so more frequently. To be of as much value as I can.
Over 11 years ago, I started out in the attic typing over YouTube videos to build my first full-stack web projects. These days, I'm happy to return the favor. I'm passionate about creating and innovating with an insatiable hunger for learning. That's why I'm an early adopter of cloud technologies, and obtained an extra degree in artificial intelligence, ...
My favorite quote:
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." - Niels Bohr
What is yours?
How did I end up in the .NET space?
I made the jump to .NET when Blazor WASM arrived. I jumped from Angular + Nest.JS to Blazor + Web API. I have used React, Svelte, jQuery, Knockout.js, ... as well but ...
In a professional environment, I prefer structured frameworks to build sustainable codebases. Structure, good practices & standardization help produce predictable codebases resulting in maintainable projects.
Nest.JS did provide most of the above but soon our go-to ORM package lost maintainers while containing bugs, Webpack glitching every now and then, our projects containing too many configuration files, NPM giving us more work than expected etc. .NET's out-of-the-box ORM, authentication & authorization plus LINQ and other tooling, started looking more and more attractive.
In Nest.JS we could already organize & test our codebases better thanks to the modular setup and dependency injection capabilities. We could separate our concerns better with the supported mono-repo setup. .NET provides all that and more.
It had long been the wet-dream since Node.JS came out, to re-use code between front-end and back-end. Unfortunately, that has never been easy to do nor to have front-end & back-end projects in one mono-repo.
In a .NET solution, it is very easy to set up a mono-repo with multiple projects. Whether those projects are client-side or server-side, does not matter.
That said, the re-using of code between the front- and back-end is usually limited to constants, helper classes & DTOs.
Nest.JS and a .NET Web API are structured similarly with similar features & with good practices borrowed from other languages or frameworks. The jump was easier than expected and I never looked back.
I am glad to have participated in one of the fastest evolving programming ecosystems which is the JavaScript ecosystem. This experience is still very relevant for my daily web developing activities as I can leverage the powerful JavaScript browser APIs in Blazor.
In the early days, .NET was too overwhelming for many novice developers. Nowadays, it's way more accessible. And Blazor is an absolute gem to use!
How about you?
How about you? I'm interested to hear about your journey in the software space & your experience and your experiences.
If you are interested in my work, you can find it:
on my website: kiss-code.com/products
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