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Tech blog for the "Keep it simple, stupid." YouTube channel where I build real-world .NET C# applications. Clean, well-architected apps while keeping it simple.
I have heard the following statement multiple times: "Blazor's (C#) code is transpiled to JavaScript code to run in the browser..." While this is...
Cultural fit? As a software developer, this should be my only politically loaded, public post on LinkedIn... I just declined a "technical" test for a...
As mentioned in my previous posts, working together with an experienced developer or on your own hobby projects can rapidly improve your software...
In my experience, the two most impactful actions you can take to boost your developer journey, are: building hobby projects; learning from a...
One of the great killers of software projects, its potential and the commitment of (future) assigned developers, is going fast and making a mess in...
Hi, I'm Auguste from the "Keep it simple, stupid." YouTube channel. This channel started as video documentation for my software hobby projects. To...